Autumn Tomato Soup Recipe with my new Vitamix

The other day I received my beautiful new Vitamix Ascent® and I have really enjoyed playing around with this incredible appliance! Wow it is amazing! I roasted the tomato and onions for 20 mins beforehand, to get a beautiful caramelised flavour, popped it into the...

What’s on offer this month …

  ~A brisk morning this morning as we make the transition to Winter!  With just a week til Mother’s Day here in Australia, no doubt you will find some gorgeous offers here to treat her (or you who are mothers out there!), the focus is on staying well as the...

Welcome to my Holistic Living Community

Well, here we are, and we have just wrapped up the first quarter of what has been an incredible start to the year! What with the relaunch of AromaTouch and the brand new starter packs, lots of new products and as we anticipate the likelihood of seeing MetaPWR on the...

What is the Soul?

Something that comes up a lot of the time is the notion of ‘Soul’, especially in the area of healing and helping. In recent years, and most certainly through my journey through the new age – the idea of ‘soul’ has been entirely...

Right Now, Joy is almost a Rebellion

With all we have going on around us at present, and certainly over the past few years, it is easy to fall into dismay at the world around us – via what we are seeing and what we are being shown. As a Christian who has been saved by Grace just over two years now,...