Boy I have to admit I didn’t imagine ever being comfortable with a title like that – a ‘conspiracy theorist’ for almost all of my adult life, I’ve been awake to what is going on since I can remember. But I’m now a born-again, regenerated Christian, thanks to the grace of God and with maturity and time comes a whole new perspective on the war that is playing out in front of us – and it’s as much Spiritual Warfare as anything else.
This week, I was inspired – listening to a sermon by one of my favourite pastors doing what he does best – exegesis of Scripture. I love how by just listening to the Word of God, the Holy Spirit stirs within me the desire to sing the truth from the treetops. So, from today, I’m going to make a habit of this, shining a light on my own perspective for the purpose of lifting the body of Christ. If you are a new or a not-quite-there-yet Christian this is part of what we are called to do:
This sermon, named “Calling Rulers to Repentance” (you can listen here), was heartfelt. Even me, as someone who has had so much time, deep in researching around some of the world leaders and people in high positions has truly struggled with the concept that anyone deserves salvation. But yet, it happened to me.
Dr MacArthur speaks at length around the biblical connection with evil rulers of the past and their incredible testimonies around turning to Christ – not on their own, but through God’s grace and patience with them.
In 1 Timothy 2, MacArthur reminds us that God actually desires salvation for us all: one God, one true religion, one saviour, one ransom, one Gospel. I think that’s beyond what a lot of us as even capable of thinking when we turn our eyes to the world, and the multiple cultures on Earth – we identify everyone having some value and it becomes impossible to imagine how it could happen. But happen it will, it is written: one of every tribe.
“19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28 19-20
In the sermon, MacArthur reminds us – that we are to pray for all world Leaders. Now I’m not gonna lie – this becomes difficult with certain personalities and players on the world stage, much like fingernails down a blackboard to be honest. But to pray for those leaders is actually our job: God’s calling for us – to the point that we would actually be in disobedience if we did not pray for them.
Still not convinced?
MacArthur reminds of us some of the heaviest, most evil of rulers in the Bible times – and there are others outside of these, but Herod comes to mind, Nebuchadnezzar who was advised by Daniel about his strange dreams, and who was warned that if he didn’t turn to God, he would be turned into a grass eating beast in the fields for 7 years – and that happened only for Nebuchadnezzer to turn his gaze to the skies and worship the Lord in deep prayer and he was saved.
Now as someone who was passionate about ancient history, til recently I only really had this perspective of Nebuchadnezzar: a narcissistic, egoic leader who went as far as call himself God on Earth – the Ruler of the Universe as he ruled over Babylon. I had no idea he was saved, btw. And while its in the Bible – of course – there was the perception I had as a lover of ancient history (which was studied in depth as a young adolescent) and the perspective I now have as a born-again Christian.
We are reminded “no man be perfect” per Jesus’ own words when a young follower ran up to him calling him a good teacher. Jesus responded “why do you call me good?” Jesus answered – “no one is good – except God alone” where he is emphasising that true goodness belongs to God alone, in contrast to human imperfection.
“18 Why do you call me good?” Jesus replied. “No one is good except God alone. The rich young ruler approached Jesus and asked ‘what good thing must I do to inherit eternal life?’ and Jesus answered “why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good” – Mark 10:18
We think of today’s rulers, are they as bad as what appeared in Biblical times? Maybe I can think of one or two in recent history. Regardless, I was called to reflect on my own salvation in fact. You can read this here. I considered my own journey and while I would naively ‘dub’ myself a good person, on the whole pre Christ – I was not at all deserving of God’s grace.
I was deep into the new age deception, a blasphemer, a denier of the word of God, I was hedonistic with my view of the world, I was a deceiver and guiding people that way, I made money from readings, and clairvoyant offerings, channelling, all of which is forbidden by God. The list of sins is endless, and I have repented and turned from all that and continue to do so each day. Not on my own, but by the will of God. This is why I find it such a miracle that He came in and changed me.
Then MacArthur goes on to explain the most evil of all of the evil rulers (hard to imagine), as Monasser in the Book of Kings, doing evil in the sight of the Lord – deep into beastiality, homosexuality, idolatry, child sacrifice, polytheism you name it. In 2 Chronicles 33:10 we are shown how the Lord had Monasser captured, walking for 4 months until God humbled him – AND HE REPENTED… like what!?! God is so good.
Paul states words in 1 Timothy 1:12 I can so totally relate with:
“I was a blasphemer” check. I was too.
“I was a pagan” check, me as well. Love of the world instead of its creator.
“I was an unbeliever” check. Same. I was going around telling everyone how the Bible had been manipulated and was misleading.
The fact is, God constantly shows his magnificence, his perfect patience, his grace and not one person on Earth is beyond that salvation.
I think we forget that.
We need to pray so that as many as possible can be saved. We are to preach the truth of God’s word (that’s what I’m doing with this blog now and in conversations with friends and colleagues often), so I can be PART OF THE GREAT COMMISSION. Because as much as we like to think we are ten foot tall and bullet proof, we are not. We are nothing without God. And we have to recognise our sin nature (I know, I also thought I was ‘good’ and that there was no such thing as sin!).
The thing is, salvation is gifted to us by the grace of God, we cannot make anything right with God by our own doing, not by anything we actually do – its God’s work and His gift to us. It’s true what they say, He left the 99 and came after the one!
When I came to this realisation, that God had treated the most perfect, unblemished man on Earth as if He had lived my life, taking on all MY sins, to punish Jesus for what humanity, all those who would be saved, have ever done, it humbles me entirely. God treated Jesus as if he’d lived my life, and treat me as His own, instead.
It’s staggering.
So when we talk about nasty, egotistical, oppressive rulers in modern times. Maybe we don’t truly understand that all who we pray for can be saved with God and at his will, his prerogative.
During this challenging time on Earth, I simply cast my eyes on Jesus and pray often. As the Apostle Paul wrote for us:
“Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – Mark 10:18