The Very First Step

Are you ready to go on a wonderful lifelong journey of healing with me?


Consciously Sourced

Far from just a massive commercial growing enterprise, the oils that I use are in line with my personal ethos – consuming consciously wherever I can and ensuring that I leave the world in better condition than I found it. It’s a daily battle to keep ahead of the lies of commercialism, but these essential oils are peace of mind to me, knowing they provide hope and make a real difference to lives all around the world – and I can use them in the home, on my beloved pets, and to support myself emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Who knew one little bottle could do so much?

Who knew that by using one drop of essential oil for tired and sore muscles, or to alleviate some aggravating neck tension, that this just flows on to make a powerful difference in the lives of our distillers and growers?

Just by purchasing an essential oil, we are alleviating poverty and providing jobs in communities of over 45 developing nations, improving their lives an allowing them to enjoy the blessings of abundant lives for themselves. This is the promise. SPACE

And it blesses us ongoing, with rewards unimagined.

The Oils

Nothing brings more joy than the simplicity involved with opening the bottle of the world’s purest essential oils.

The oils I use are a world beyond just smelling good – they are the door to a new life – a new life for the person enjoying this divine fragrance for the very first time, but also a new world for the growers that work so hard in regions all over the world.

A lifelong Learning Endeavour

Maybe you are wanting to learn tips and tricks on how to use essential oils to reduce the levels of chemicals in your home (this is a great idea).

Maybe you are wanting to address common ailments like rest, relaxation and better sleep which might be evading you right now.

Perhaps you have already been using them a while, and you already know how potent good quality essential oils can be, but like me, you just felt the call to get these magical bottles of hope into the hands of as many people as possible.

I never imagined essential oils would provide such a powerful pathway that would so dramatically alter the lives of others, and my own.

doTERRA takes care of all of the science, the conditions, the growing network, the purity, the distribution, the processing, the inventory and the accounting – I don’t have to do any of that.

I enjoy working alongside others and supporting those who see a similar vision for themselves, who want to improve their wellbeing naturally, who want to share the incredible benefits of essential oils, or even create a legacy, like I did.

And that’s exactly what God asked of me, almost a decade ago.Since then, my life’s work has been focused on helping others unpack the magnificent benefits of these stunning gifts of the Earth, and help people align to the purpose and their path. The focus is healing and helping.

As a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, my role is to simply help you on the mission to help others: it’s a path of growth, of purpose and of healing.

I help you navigate this world of wellness, help educate you on the oils you do have, and point you in the right direction for even more resources to support you.

What’s more you get 100% access to me, as your holistic practitioner, coach, teacher and mentor. Enjoy a monthly call with me one on one, to discuss concerns, and your specific needs, and any issues you are facing to learn more about how the doTERRA lifestyle will work for you.

Arrange an appointment with me each month, or join my events, to discuss your specific needs, work on the issues you are facing, together with me. It gives me great joy and is an immense privilege to be able to do this for my team, no matter where you live in the world.

Choose Your Path

Here’s the 3 biggest questions I get about now:

“But do you have to ‘sell’ doTERRRA?

The short answer is no. The longer explanation is here.

"But is there a minimum monthly spend?"

The short answer is no.

"If I’m looking for a business from home, is this viable?"

The short answer is absolutely!

So, feeling ready? Not long, and you will have your very own starter kit to open a whole new world to you. Opening a wholesale account is super easy – takes minutes. To choose the right kit, use the steps below to help you navigate the path ahead.

Where do you want to take this?

Consider and reflect upon the areas you’d love to address in the first few months of your journey towards emotional, spiritual and physical wellbeing?

Is it addressing moods, balancing and integrating emotions, getting more sleep, better digestive support, lowering your exposure to chemicals, boosting your energy levels, connection with God’s grace, or releasing your inner sense?

Maybe it’s a combination of all of them?

We have magnificent products, beautiful essential oils, and a powerful range of support at your finger tips for these and more – as your body starts to integrate these powerful changes, you will feel the shift so much more.

Now comes the fun part – head up to the doTERRA website and take a look around.

The site is massive! And its the only place to buy doTERRA’s products, obtain wholesale prices and ensure you get the benefits of being a Loyalty Rewards Member.

Reflect and choose your starter pack.

Are you looking for better sleep? More energy? Are you needing to invest heavily in yourself after a long period of neglect, or are you looking to take care of the needs of your whole family?

What if I told you that you never ever have to worry about paying retail prices again? That is the incredible, abundant system that is doTERRA and with my guidance and support, many in my team have never had to pay for an oil, simply because they loved the idea of sharing the oils with others and EVERYONE gets 25% off because they accessed the wholesale price structure, simply by opening an account.

The benefits don’t stop there either – your own account means you get to accrue points. Points are big business, and are a real doTERRA currency which enables you to enjoy things like, say a bottle of the world’s finest purest essential oil: Rose Otto – free. A 5ml bottle retails at around US$380, but its worth 200 points. I just purchased my second bottle, free, on the points. It’s extraordinary and I have been doing this for years, it just works. So, if you are keen to avoid the joining fee, and love the idea of wholesale prices year round keep reading!

Do doTerra Your Way

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s within budget, no need to go blowing the budget on the first purchase. I can even help you map out your expenses over the next 3, 6 or 9 months as well, so it becomes effortlessly affordable. That’s the abundant blessings that this path brings with it. Not only will you have a discounted bundle at wholesale prices, you’ll also have the membership fee waived, which gives you access to 25% off the retail price for a 12 month period, unlimited access to me, my programs, my workshops and my content all year long. It’s like having your own holistic lifestyle coach free!

There’s no monthly minimum spend, either (unless you want to take advantage of the world’s most amazing rewards system ever!) What’s more, I conduct one-on-one coaching and mentoring that you can access, I have a blog, podcasts and other cool content to really support your direction and mindset, help build the confidence oils and if you wish, get them free (yes really!). Know this – at the very least you’ll never need to pay retail for an oil again for the world’s best essential oils. Let’s Go!