What is the Soul?

What is the Soul?

Something that comes up a lot of the time is the notion of 'Soul', especially in the area of healing and helping. In recent years, and most...

Right Now, Joy is almost a Rebellion

Right Now, Joy is almost a Rebellion

With all we have going on around us at present, and certainly over the past few years, it is easy to fall into dismay at the world around us - via...

The Journey of the Healer

The Journey of the Healer

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3 (NIV) Never was this more needed than it is...

A Question Of Faith

A Question Of Faith

If you know me, you know that I have always held spirituality very deeply sacred. As a in my life - as a gifted intuitive, I am someone who deepened...

Why “the Shekhinah” in my life?

Why “the Shekhinah” in my life?

I have a lot of people asking about the online handle I use: Shekhinah. In recent years, I was looking for a name to use on Twitter, and recalled a...

What is the Shekhinah Glory?

What is the Shekhinah Glory?

While it's not actually in the Bible, the description of the Shekhinah Glory is. Found in ancient  and classical Hebrew and Aramaic texts. It is...